About Moving to Work

The Moving to Work (MTW) demonstration is a nationwide program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that allows selected public housing authorities (PHAs) to develop and test innovative, locally designed strategies to meet specific needs of the community. The MTW program exempts these PHAs from many voucher and public housing rules and offers flexibility on how federal funds can be utilized.


Information & Forms

4.a. Vacancy Loss
Landlord Vacancy Loss Form
4.b Damage Claims
Landlord Damage Claim Form

HUD Moving to Work Retrospective

Bipartisan Policy Center Blog Series

HUD requires MTW housing authorities to track the ways their agencies make use of the program’s flexibility and report on outcomes tied to the three statutory objectives—reducing costs, improving self-sufficiency, and increasing housing choice. This blog series explores the innovations that PHAs have adopted with the enhanced regulatory flexibility provided by MTW.

The MTW Guide – HAI Group

MTW Guide Cover
Navigating uncharted territory can be challenging, which is why you need The MTW Guide. Created with the        Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this resource is a must-read for:

• Housing agencies that are considering MTW
• MTW agencies that want to learn from their peers
• Public housing agencies that are interested in implementing MTW best practices

Download the Guide