Housing Authority Low-income Project Near Peabody school a source of discord
Registry Week on the Horizon
Homeless in Santa Barbara
Common Ground Santa Barbara Call for Volunteers
Common Ground Santa Barbara Call for Volunteers Now through February 27, 2011 Every night in Santa Barbara County, thousands of people experience homelessness. This February, community members can take action and be part of the solution. Common Ground Santa Barbara is calling out for 500 volunteers to canvas the community to locate and survey our […]
Workshop addresses effort to count Lompoc homeless
Santa Barbara News-Press
Santa Barbara Revitalizes Effort to Aid Homeless
Daily Nexus
Hundreds gather to talk to homeless
Santa Barbara Daily Sound
Homelessness topic of Common Ground Santa Barbara meeting
Santa Barbara News-Press
Council retreats on project
Santa Barbara Daily Sound
Council again OKs grant for affordable housing project
Santa Barbara News-Press