Here are answers to some of our residents’ most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answers to your questions here, you can submit a question/comment or call us
How do I affect the Housing Authority?
The Santa Barbara City Housing Authority is nationally recognized, in part because tenants have helped the Housing Authority by keeping their apartment and the surrounding area in good condition.
When is my rent due?
Your rent is due on the first of the month. We encourage people to pay at the bank anytime prior to that to avoid a last-minute rush.
Who can get into the Family Self-Sufficiency program?
Any Section 8 participant. For more information on the Family Self-Sufficiency program, click here, contact Primitiva Hernandez at (805) 897-1083 or Monthly FSS briefings are offered in English and Spanish. Call us for the next briefing dates.
I have a maintenance problem in my unit, what procedure do I follow?
For maintenance emergencies, call: 805-897-1060, during the office hours or 805-965-1071 during closed hours.
If a non-emergency maintenance problem occurs, you should contact your onsite manager of the problem as soon as possible as to the nature of the problem and if it is acceptable for maintenance personnel to enter your unit to make the repair(s). If you do not have an onsite manger for your unit, then call our maintenance department at 805-897-1060 to initiate the repair process. Non-emergency work orders are placed on the repair schedule and will be processed as time permits.
How often do you inspect my unit?
The Housing Authority will inspect your unit at least annually and may do more inspections as necessary. You will always be notified in advance, according to your lease agreement when we will enter your unit to perform an inspection.
Where can I find specific rules regarding use and enjoyment of my apartment unit?
To find detailed rules and regulation concerning your tenancy, please refer to your lease agreement and the House Rules.
View the Housing Authority’s House Rules:
I have a comment or suggestion about the property. How can I relay this information?
Click here to go to our resident comment page. Fill the information completely and accurately.