Affordable housing projects move ahead in Santa Barbara
By Alex Kacik The region cannot build enough housing fast enough to keep up with increasing demand, economists have said at forecasts over the past two weeks. The Tri-Counties are so short on available units that it could rein in the economic expansion. But the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara is trying to […]
Pacific Coast Business Times: HACSB ED/CEO, Rob Pearson, receives National Award
Family Self-Sufficiency Program Graduates Honored for Achievements by Housing Authority
Family Self-Sufficiency Program Graduates Honored for Achievements by Housing Authority By Amy Bernstein for Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara honored 10 amazing Santa Barbara residents who have completed the organization’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program during a ceremony and dinner hosted at the Presidio Springs Community Room Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015. […]
Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara Receives National Award of Excellence for Innovative Youth Literacy Program
PRESS RELEASE / ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, November 2, 2015 Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara Receives National Award of Excellence for Innovative Youth Literacy Program source: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA Santa Barbara, Calif., October 27, 2015— The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) has long been recognized for its holistic […]
Housing Authority CEO Rob Pearson Receives Highest Award from National Housing Association
PRESS RELEASE / ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, November 2, 2015 Housing Authority CEO Rob Pearson Receives Highest Award from National Housing Association source: HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA Santa Barbara, Calif., October 26, 2015—The Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (HACSB) has received national recognition, through an award to its CEO Rob Pearson from America’s leading housing and community […]